Perfume bottle packaging case

Customer specific requirements:

        1. Perfume bottle;

        2. Transparent glass;

        3. 50ml canned capacity;

        4. For square bottles, there is no special requirement for the thickness of the bottom of the bottle;

        5. The pump cover needs to be equipped, and the specific size of the pump head has been found to be the standard port FEA15;

        6. As for post-processing, printing is required before and after;

        7. SGD male mold bottle can be accepted;

        8. Very high surface finish.

According to the customer’s request, we recommend a male mold bottle with a full mouth capacity of 55ml. And considering that this is a perfume packaging bottle, we recommend controlling the depth inside the bottle, so as to ensure the usage rate of the final guest, which was not originally requested by the guest.


Customers need very high transparency and surface finish, so we recommend customers to use the fire polishing process. The fire polishing process is often used by glass manufacturers for glass bottles with high surface finish requirements, and is often used in the production of perfume bottles. The fire polishing process is to use a very high temperature (more than 1,000 degrees Celsius) flame to burn the surface of the glass bottle after the glass is formed, so that the glass molecules on the surface are rearranged.

glass wine bottle We use oxygen as an oxidant to achieve very hot flames. Among them, the pressure, specific gravity, and the contact time between the flame and the glass are strictly controlled. The ultimate purpose of fire polishing is to improve the transparency and smoothness of the glass surface, so it will directly help alleviate some surface defects of the glass itself, such as wrinkles, folds, thick seams, and so on. However, this process is suitable for products with small output, and the delivery time of too much volume will be very long.

Post time: Apr-09-2022